Storage, in the context of computing, refers to devices and media that retain digital data for a period of time. It encompasses various forms of hardware and technology, such as hard drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), memory cards, USB flash drives, and cloud storage services.
Storage can be categorized into primary storage, like RAM, which temporarily holds data for immediate access by the computer’s processor, and secondary storage, such as SSDs and HDDs, which keep data more permanently for long-term access.
Storage Types
At the physical layer, storage essentially boils down to disks, which utilize magnetic recording technology to store data. Disks are the primary storage medium for computers, capable of holding vast amounts of binary data with the advantage of retaining information even after power loss. Early computers employed floppy disks for storage, but today, hard disks are the more prevalent form of storage medium.
“OSS,” “NAS,” and “EBS” refer to different types of storage technologies used in computing and cloud environments. Each serves different needs and use…